
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
self reflextion 1
EXPECTATION WILL LEAD TO FRUSTRATION. Since i was so young, i always tell myself not to expect much in whatever I do in MY life. It is good to play safe. Harungi sahaja apa yang ada dihadapan. But actually, its okay to put some expectation, for the reason, it will motivate us to work for what we expect, but at the same time, berlapang dada....seperti yang Rasul kekasih kita ajarkan. For the reason, life is not always what you expect but it is all about what God want you to live on, learn on, be grateful on... What a beautiful deen Islam is ....
And for a long time ... also ... i did not have my list of MUHASABAH. Self Reflextion. Which mean, i do not improve my personality since then. Means i do not put an effort to make myself not included in the golongan orang2 yang celaka, yang mana hari ini tiada lebih baik dari semalam. Astaghfrullahal Azim ...so i should initiate something. Maybe can be shared here for those who is reading to take benefit on. Is the sentence okay?
Urm. Need to go to the toilet. Buhbye.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
i have an aquarium full of fishes
finally, after 1 year becoming full time aquaculture lecturer here, i got a room which means i have enough space to have an aquarium. and since i am now have started my work on A.panchax, in spite of buying expensive ornamental fishes from mingyu, i catch my panchax on my own. (^-^) thanx bioD for developed that skill in this lady.
not yet have the picture to upload, but i really love the sound of dripping water. i bought a submersible filter with water dripper (ada ke?). i like! i am so happy. happy like a fish in soft acidic water. hehe.
the sound really calming and soothing my heart. kan baby?
mencuri itu haram..
i really dun understand what kind of people is dare to tanggung dosa for stealing a small fish, that might only be sold for 80cent or rm1 per pieces. if we have arowana or kelah and it is dissapear then...no wonderlah. ni haruan.olololo...tak padan nak kena bakar kat neraka nanti.
halalkan? its not my money. it is government life assets. so, mintak la government halalkan. so pity this short shallow minded people. alang2 nak rompak, rompakla rumah pengedar dadah ke, ibu ayam ke...
but, u dun want this thing to stress me out. eh, ade eh ayat gitu? cause, i still hope that i am pregnant. period delay 3 weeks, but hpt negative. but the tokbidan said, just wait. cause my sis, 3 bulan baru bleh detect. but really pray hard, if this little tiny baby is now growing in me, peliharakan ya Rabb ... kalau takde ...takpe, bulan depan ade lagi. =)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
algae for biofuel
I was here for Algae Summit 2009. I came here for one reason; to determine if algae is realy my interest. i mean i still figuring out what to do for phd. and to be honest, this is the most interesting and enjoyable conference i had ever attend in my whole career. and therefore, i conclude that i like algae so much. (^-^)
and in this conference i also clarify which part should i jump and [dive] into, considering all the limitation. and most of the limitation are my weaknesses. hehe. i am a dummies in so many science field. and i have to admit that, i am so tak pandai. org yang tak pandai takboleh pergi jauh mane kot
banyak lagi nak tulis tapi malas. nanti lah.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Tuhan memang Berkuasa
Tuhan Maha Kaya, lagi Maha Tahu.
kita merancang, dan berusaha, tapi tahu2, Tuhan ada rancangan lain untuk kita. Buat masa sekarang, aku pun tak tahu lagi apa yang Tuhan dah tetapkan untuk aku dan suami 5 tahun mendatang. Aim dan usaha kami sekarang, untuk sambung Ph.D, as a typical malaysian peopleyang takut dan tak berapa konfiden dengan kepala sendiri, we aimed for UK and Australia. Both places, boleh dikatakan, dah dapat kaki sebelah, at least bahagian pertama: ADMISSION. I thought, tahun depan lepas settlekan my first final year student supervision, we will fly, ke salah satu tempat tu, yang mana lebih menarik tawarannya. Tup tup. semalam, dapat emel berita gempar buat seluruh warga academician yang berusaha nak keluar terbang melayang demi ilmu dan mungkin juga kebanyakannya sebab kami perlu dan disuruh pergi ... beritanya, aduih...syarat diketatkan untuk ke UK, dihadkan masa ke aussie dan NZ,dan digalakkan pergi ke jepun dan USA. USA okay.
Dari syarat2nya, seolah2 KPT mahu berkias dengan cara yang paaaaaling sopan, untuk arahan mudah : BELAJAR DALAM NEGARA SUDAH LA, WE DUN HAVE MONEY FOR YOU ALL!
ekstrem ke anggapan itu? mungkin bukan ekstrem, cuma berterus terang and suke jump to fast to conclusion.hehe. mungkin masanya kembali, untuk yang dapat lepas tajaan itu cuma yang terbaik di antara yang terbaik, bukan sekadar tangkap muat siapa dapat terus pergi.
Jadinya, aku cuba bertenang dong. tenang tenang tenang. rezeki itu agihan Tuhan yang Maha adil buat kita yang memerhati dan amat tahu dan jelas mengingat sehari2 yang kita hidup ini cuma anugerah ihsan dari Allah SWT. jika bukan rezeki kita maka ia tetap takkan pernah jadi milik kita sekuat mana pun kita mengejarnya mahupun kita punya Cessna. hehe. Jadinya, usaha dulu, habiskan sisa usaha tahun ini. jika rezeki saya Ph.D cuma di Malaysia, iya, its okay, i still will give 200% efforts for it. Saya cuma mohon kasihan dari Tuhan yang maha Pemurah, biar apapun, saya mahu punya Ph.D yang bermutu biar mudah untuk saya menambah bakti di jalan Allah.
Atau iya, saya takkan mudah mengalah... kalau perlu saya ke USA menempuh segala GRE, qualification test, TOeFl dan segala yang dikhabarkan susah sangat tu, akan kutempuh kiranya itu perlu. Cuma saya mahu suami belahan jiwa saya turut mahu. Entah mengapa, saya rasakan jika ditakdirkan kami ke USA, tempat itu boleh buatkan kami jadi muslim muslimah yang lebih baik dan utuh aqidahnya. Segala yang baik tentukan buat kami Ya Allah.
Ya Rabbi,
Biar apapun, jangan biarkan kami menentukan sendiri apa yang kami perlu lalui. Tentukan pilihannya untuk kami Ya Rabb, biar terbaik untuk kami jadi kesayanganMu selalu.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
sehati berdansa
one word : KASIHAN!
kesian kat mereka2 yang choose to dance for charity...tadop kije sungguh. but i have to say that, dancing need something natural in you. its a gift, i mean the ability to dance well. lam program tu, sape yang pandai...nampak pandai, and so mean to say this; but yang bodoh tu nampak bodoh la. hakhak. keras giler. nasib baik aku masih diselamatkan dari kejahilan dan kesesatan itu.
to b honest, hehe, pernah ada cita2 nak belajar menari. masuk umt, hampir nak mendaftar, tapi tak jadi sebab yang yang mengajarnye lelaki lembut yang merasakan diri mereka itu perempuan. senang2 aje sentuh anak2 muridnye.hehe,tak kuasa aku menyerah pada yang tak bayar mahar...mahal wes nak pegang tangan i. hehe=)
herm, dunia... pikirlah sendiri, kata nabil. isk3, aku sangat keastroan sekarang, bahana tv. nampaknye kena pinjam buku banyak2 supaya kurang tengok tv n this interneting.
hubby is not at home right now, tengok bola,may God take care of him. nak larang pun tak boleh. dah besar panjang, pikirlah sendiri. tadi sebelum pegi dia bagi aku makan satu meja penuh makanan, hakhak, rasuah la tu supaya aku tak marah. kui2x.lawak tol.
herm, kena start wat proposal phd. tapi taktau nak pilih tajuk. nak wat nutrition takut tak biasa. nak wat algae takut tak mampu. hukhuk. smoga Allah permudahkan dan cenderungkan kepada tajuk yang boleh membawa kepada kejayaan di akhirnye nanti. mau sangat ada phd, its not really the title that matter. tapi, aku rasa phd, will permudahkan jalan untuk aku permudahkan jalan orang lain. faham x?
dah malas nak tulis. ok. berhenti sekarang.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
halal haram
hurm, sakit kepala kalau nak fikir. boleh dikatakan semua produk yang biasa guna ...is not halal. Syukur tapi alhamdulillah, masih sampai teguran Tuhan agar hamba yang lemah dan x alert ni sentiasa beringat, fitnah dunia itu datang berbagai cara.
Lux, yang hubby baru beli dari giant, kena derma kat Nalini ..rezeki dia agaknya. Tak pasti haram ke halal ... means SyubHat. Rasul kat ... Jauhi yang syubhat. Jadi kami cuba jauhi sejauh jauhnya. Dengan ikhlas hati, kami berniat hari ni, nak daftar jadi ahli HPA. senang, guna barangan islam, menyokong produk islam, menyokong pembangunan ekonomi islam dan malaysia. Smoga niat kami dipermudahkan. Amin ...
Hurm. good news. Kami dah dapat tempat...non officially di Perth, Murdoch University. I got algae project and my hubby will do something in fish genetic... alhamdulillah...and today is my fertile day should be, kami sedang berusaha! Semoga diberkahi usaha ini ... apapun sentiasa beringat... doa kita dijawab Tuhan dengan tiga cara ...
1. Yes, its yours
2. Yes, but later ..
3. No, i have something else for you.
Hurm ... besarkan jiwa tawakal kami Ya Rabb ...
so, this month is the month for proposal structuring... and also, review all the presentation for Aquaculture class next semester.
I am also waiting for my first online ABAya!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
shawl started
Dis morning, my mood to start editing my paper for journal not yet come. so, just write anything here to make my head start thingking and working. at least my brain need to mork out on suitable words to put in together to make readers feel good reading this contengan.
ShaWL ...
hehe, a slice, eh, slice? a piece of rectangular cloth that used to covered our aurat ---shidakepedia.
Cant believe i start wearing them last nite, and guess wat. i think i will keep wearing it since i feel so comfortable with it. Serious. But, this morning it takes me about ten minutes to wear it, and rewear it. hehe. well. the consequences/ as a result/ thus/ therefore/consequently ....( i'm learning english for IELTS) make my husband pissed off of waiting in the car. And..for the 1st time, he used the horn on me. hahah... buat selamba je la. kalau tak gaduh pulak. Hehe, its my fault then, takpelah.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
so natural
Wake up early in the morning, and preparing breakfast on working day!
But yeah, i really enjoy doing it naturally. and feel not that good if i can do that since i have the unwritten obligation to make my man feel good to be home and enjoy the moment of having a wife besides... hehe.
and all those managing the house things. herm, dulu punyelah malas. now still..but mengurang sikit2. hehe. lucky to have him. so rajin, at least when i am so malas.
now, something new keep growing in me. o eah.... after a while, i knew i really like and wanting baby.hiyarggggggghhhhhhh... the feeling i did not have at the early stage of our marriage. maybe because Yusuf (my new niece) is so adorable. so small. so clean. so fresh. so.... and so so.
hope that feeling will suburkan myself to. mybe God let this feeling grow for something He already set up for me another year. hehe. Hoping and keep hoping.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Lebaran ini
Selamat hari raya, aidilfitri dan apa sahaja yang menyampaikan maksud hari kemenangan buat umat Islam yang sudah menghabiskan masa sebulan, tapi tahun ni tak cukup sehari=) berjuang menahan nafsu di siang hari dan mengejar maghfirah di malam hari...
Tak terasa, mungkin dek tambahan bebanan kerja sebagai pekerja, istri dan menantu... sebulan berlalu. Sedih terasa, amalan kali ini tak sebanyak biasa. Mungkin belum biasa untuk mengconcurrentkan segalanya dalam satu masa 24 jam yang terasa amat cepat. Siang ramadhan, kerja mengejar waktu, balik masak, berbuka dan terus tarawikh, pulang sudah penat, buat kuey dan tolong itu dan ini. Kerja mungkin banyak, bertambah berbanding biasa, tapi mungkin juga usaha dan kesungguhan untuk saya mengejar nikmat ibadah itu belum sekuat mana. Moga Tuhan beri saya kekuatan untuk memperbaiki hal ini tahun mendatang. Namun bila difikir, Allah itu amat Pengasih lagi Pemurah,lagian bantuan dan bakti saya untuk suami dan keluarga itu juga diharapnya mendapat balasan redhaNya yang meluas.
Ramadhan ini, satu doa saya buat dikongsi dengan yang mungkin membaca titipan ini...semoga dilembutkan hari saya biar jadi isteri yang amat penyayang, tawadhuk dan mengikut. Dan juga biar pengaruh yang baik jika ada dari sisi saya, memberi kebaikan buat orang2 terdekat saya. Saya sedari, hari saya ini amat sukar dilentur, kengkadang menggambarkan sifat orang yang jauh dari kesyukuran pada Tuhan, padahal saya dipermudahkan dalam banyak perkara hidup. Jadi, mohon dari Allah yang Maha Latif, Ultufti Qalbi.... Biar juga kecintaan saya buat suami yang Allah kurniakan ini, menggunung, memenuhi ruang hati ini, mencairkan kekerasan jiwa ini, kerana saya sedari, cinta dan ketaatan ini adalah jalan bonus yang Tuhan berikan kepada saya buat menemui dan merasai kenikmatan cinta Allah, yang didamba dalam setiap rintihan doa.
Monday, August 24, 2009
barakah bulan ini ...
alhamdulillah, dah 3 hari puasa, semoga rahmat yang Tuhan berikan ni sedikit sebanyak melimpahi hidup dan rumahtangga kami, semoga aman hendaknya ke akhir masa. today, i bring a bundle of old clothes, preloved=) to be given to makcik2 cleaner. hope ada yang diorang berkenan nak pakai, still ok, the baju cuma agak kebudakan untuk lecturer pakai. huhu...
semalam i made .....UDANG MASAK SERAI.
sedap ngat....hahahahaha...perasan. the original recipe come from kyra. tu la kan, orang kata nak berguru ni biar beradab, hari tu aku buat sekali main ingat2 je apa yang kyra buat dulu. pahtu tak best. then semalam i ask her for the recipe 1st baru buat....there,...jadi pun. TQ kyra the bakal pengantin=) tapi ada inovasi sket, bila api dah tutup, perah lemon atas udang then kacau... Subhanallah .... baunya best sangat.... sib bek poser... kalu dop seperiuk habis masa masak.
today, buke umoh mok...relax ar...kui3x...
nak buat pe ye today? macam tade keje jer lately.
owh... nak wat article tuk buletin, dah lama janji ngan kakzana. hari tu ingatkan nak documentkan xtvt bersih kolah ngan tanah, tapi tak jadi la pulak.... so buat pasal haruan la pulak. maybe can open the eye of several aimed upper line people... huhu....
lepas puasa ni rasanya nak start projek trial bila tilapia, tak pernah bela ikan ni, nak tengok je performance dia gane. sesuai tak ngan kolah baru tu.... buat outline la sket.
and nak habiskan detail budget for projek panchax. pastu buleh antor ke Dr.wahid... untuk review.
okay, can start working...
owh, lupe. today is our 7th month anniversary...huhu...alhamdulillah...the progress of this rumahtangga is so okay so far ...

"Rabbi habli minladun' ka zurriyatan' toyiibatan... innaka sami'uddua' "
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

which i bouught for 5rm for 2 pcs at mydin last 2 days. one have fungus infection so just need to throw it in the dustbin, and another one, i open, hehe=0 koyok mende eh english? in the the car for me and my husband.
actually this is our 1st time bertaaruf with this fruit.... and i wonder, awat susoh benor nok koyok kulit ye ni .... and susoh jugok nok peel out the isi...
bila dah terkoyok isi ...
loh ... leklek macam limau bali versi kecit....
there you are .... no exploring no added knowledge.
at least me n my hubby today, learning something new about; the sweet orangy fragrance of grapefruit, the hard to peel skin and the bitter2 sweet taste. i only had one piece and the rest i leave it to my hubby, cannot go la with the taste.
maybe, this is the taste of MYDin's grapefruit, hope to have opportunity to harvest real not virtual grapefruit in farville;;;; new addiction;;;;
more info for those who always thirsty for new knowledge;
was a ... what day should a call it?
huhu, with my little "vocab" ... i cant explain it. need to study and read more.
it was a .... day.
ceritanya, begin, late in the evening, after a tiring and exhausted day, just get back from the hatchery, most of our keli died, the biggest induk eat all her friends, maybe because the panas day... then went to my ex-rent house which now is kak ida n abang amin's honeyhouse=), packed all my lot stuff, angkut all the meja, rack, katil and everything n moved everything to our new house in paloh.
owh, lupe nak amik gambor of my new ampaian, so cute but of course merabakkan poket my hubby. i said i wont pay for it because i have already buy the house, huhu, kejam ork.
fair enuff i think.
herm, back to the story, after the hectic tiring day, then the drama begins.
herm, i noticed that my mother in law agak muram since we "really" move to our new house which is only bersebelahan of her house. the closeness, i can picture it with, if my sister in law kentut kat lam bilik dia pun, i still can hear. hehe. dengan kedekatan itu, but still ... my mother in law feel .... maybe we can say losing his son, to me? and lonely maybe. and terjadilah, adegan terpercik api skit, my cute hubby start a war, that so childish actually but really cute, and both that anak beranak crying. aku n adik, tersepit kat tengah2. after being pujuk. my hubby talk to his mother and a lot more tears....
it was just ....
i can imagine if i am her mother...
she was just need more time to adapt.
and kesedihan tu mybe bertambah bila ayoh was so busy lately.
padahal, kami hari2 g jenguk n singgah, but of course tak tido situ, because what the point we buy our new house tu kan ....
but, i just smile to see the .... magic n love between mother and son.
let them be ....
and hope my son will love me like that also ...
hurm...wish i will have one sooner ....=
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Calculator
thimgs i did this evening.
hehe... long way to go.
but chayyok.
bulan puasa dekat dah.
one thing jer will stop me to reach the target ....
herm... pregnancy.=)
another ticker i've made also ...
huhu ....
umi message jumaat hari tu, tengok semanis kurma ...ayat yang ustazah bahiyah kasi tu sama macam ayat yang nurul kasi ...
perkongsian buat yang sama2 tengah berusaha to conceive for a merrier life ...
surah ali imran ayat 38, dan surah al anbiya ayat 89 ...
bila direnung, sedangkan nabi yang maksum pun diuji dengan sunyinya hidup berumahtangga tanpa bayi ... ini pulak kita ...
my marriage ...heheh, kecoh ... baru 6 bulan ... baru lagi ... tapi dah ada rumah seronok sket kalau ada baby....
whoaaaa.... banyaknye permintaan hidup ....
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
yesterday, cuti. to clean and clear our new house. next to my mother in law's house. dunno if anything happen in the future(just thinking for the worse)... how to manage. but really pray to God our jodoh kekal ke hujung nyawa. life will not always good but hoping that Allah set this jodoh to happy ending.
herm, that house, well, manusia mmg tak pernah puas, ... little bit small la ... compared to my father's n his father's house. but, ok la , for two of us. besor2 takut plok nanti. plus, Allah know me very well. He said, this girl not yet ready for a big house, she is so lazy! (^0^)
dunno how long will we be living in this house, kdg2 rasa macam nak stay lama, tapi apart of me also said, u shud fly asap. Ada banyak amalan masa anak dara yang aku tinggalkan bila dah kawen, maybe batasan dan alasan. segalanya yang malas n ...err...alasanlah. that make my life ... sedikit kekurangan ...ada sedikit kosong. solat hajat n istikaharah. mybe thats why i sort of dunno where, when, how to lead my future... yeah, there are 10-50% of interference of that from the fact that i am not lead it with my own way because i get married. i have to replan, reconfiguring, reconsidering everything so that we can walk together .... but ... still the kelalaian is solat2 tu have the effects also .... since i already realize it now, i shud make some changes tonight insyaAllah ... berazam, berazam.
ok, its time to work. semoga ikhlas seadanya shida bekerja hari ini.
Monday, August 3, 2009

means .... i have 3 voices that want me to do what they want me to do ...
haih .... (--)
what i need just little time to .... reconfigure my ear and otak, and reschedule everything ... that at least can make 2 of this old mans... feel. yes. shida is good.=)
last night, i browse on facebook,looking for old frens... and ...i found 1. i love her so much. i miss the beautiful friendship we used to have... dulu, i was so damn crying because we cant be in the same place ...maybe i'm kinda of childish at the moment. but now... i understand why do Allah make we walked in different path.. bila dikenang2, this girl, have so much influence in me... but looking at what my girl be now, i dun want to be that girl ... God always know what best ... and this is the best ... i just hope, that God will reach her heart with light of iman, and lead her way to a better life in islam way. i did not say that i'm good in this, but ... we use to be in the same school, learning all those hukum in islam... she know the rules ... that will make life better, dunia akhirat ...
it's a sad, emo post ... hehe. just need to jot it down, in order for me to start another writing on my paper for udm journal. this time i cannot aim high because the thesis was so simple. hehe... what a shame...
ok, done for today. for all those happen to read, have a nice day.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
hujan emas,hujan batu
Friday, June 19, 2009
where is my other part?
1st and foremost ...
Alhamdulillah ...masih bernyawa hingga ke saat ini ..
hehe, thanx also ti Him that arrange my hubby's trip with his frens ...
and make me damn missing him ...
and this feeling lastly trigger my hands to start this bloggy things ...
it's already 0130 after midnight...
usually at this time we both sudah tak sadar apa terjadi pada dunia ...
well ... tonite because i dun have him beside me ... hukhuk ....
i can't sleep .... =(
well ... it have been about 6 month ... of living in the same room =) ..hehe..yet to switch to "same house" ... with a man called Ahmad Syazni ...
what can i say ... till now ...still ... i have to confess that i'm lucky to have him ...
jiwang2 ....
just because dia mencandat and i'm stuck alone in this little room ...